Events - Charlestown Maryland

Town Events

Music in the Park Concert Series
Concerts are scheduled on weekend afternoons and evenings from May to September at the Avalon Park stage. The type of concert varies, but it’s always guaranteed fun. There’s always some type of concession and activity available, too.

Independence Day
This event is held on July 3rd and features a concert at Avalon Park and a fireworks display after dark, which can be viewed from across the river in North East.

National Night Out
This national event is held annually on the first Tuesday night of August.

Community Yard Sales
The community yard sales are held semi-annually on the third weekend of May and last weekend of September from 9am to 2pm. Residents are welcome to set up sales on their properties, and sales are advertised in local newspapers and social media.

The parade and trunk-or-treat is held annually on the last Friday of October at 5:30pm.

Donuts With Santa
The event is held annually in November on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.

The traditional tree lighting and festivities are held annually on the first Friday of December at 5:30pm.

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Happy Hour Tour at the Tory House
Friday, February 7th, 4-6pm
343 Market Street, Charlestown

Hosted by Colonial Charlestown. Sip hot chocolate, enjoy hor d’ouevres provided by The Wellwood Restaurant, and tour the Tory House, also known as the 107 House. Parking lot on Cecil Street.

Brief History: Built circa 1750. The original deed for the property describes a building, which was somehow destroyed. Around 1810, the foundation was reused for the present structure, which still contains the tavern kitchen in the basement. Rumored, but not true, is that the property was sold in 1802 by the state of Maryland, which may have confiscated it from a Tory during the Revolutionary War, thus it’s name “Tory House.” It has been restored through the efforts of Colonial Charlestown, Inc., a 501c3 nonprofit organization.