New Residents - Charlestown Maryland

We’re so glad you’ve chosen our Historic community to call your home! Charlestown is a unique, small town, with a rich history, steeped in Colonial times. All of our best features are spotlighted in our lovely historical walking tours, which are offered year-round. Some places you’ll want to visit are our 5 water-front parks, 3 public beaches, 3 restaurants (1 seasonal), 4 marinas, public boat ramp, and free fishing wharf, most of which have beautiful, scenic views of the Elk Neck Peninsula and the North East River. Also, many of our parks can be reserved for events and weddings. We hope that you’ll enjoy all that Charlestown has to offer!

You’ll need to know a few important things, such as how often you’ll receive your utility (water/sewer) bill and when your trash and recycles will be collected.

Town Calendar

Here is our calendar for Town meetings, events and holidays: Town Calendar


To apply or not to apply? That is the question!

The following projects require a MINOR Zoning/Building Permit, which is a fee of $20 ($100 after work starts):

  • Fences
  • Tree removal
  • Major landscaping
  • Relocation and/or addition of siding, windows or doors (as applicable)
  • Roof or siding repair
  • Change type of driveway surface

The following projects require a MAJOR Zoning/Building Permit, which is a fee of $50 ($250 after work starts):

  • New Dwellings
  • Garages/Sheds
  • Additions
  • Above ground and in-ground swimming pools
  • Decks/patios/porches and/or enclosing thereof
  • Rooftop Solar
  • Interior Renovations
  • Demolition

What’s the process?

  1. First, if you live where there’s a Homeowner’s Association (HOA), you’ll need a letter of concurrence with their regulations.
  2. If you wish to erect a fence on your property line, you’ll need written letters from your adjoining neighbors. Otherwise, it must be six inches in from the property line.
  3. If you live in the Historic District, you’ll need to be specific with your application — you’ll need to submit images of the proposed alterations, along with colors and materials.
  4. Complete a Zoning/Building Permit Application and submit with all necessary documents to Town Hall. All applications must be received by 12pm the day before the Historic District Commission Meeting (1st Tuesday of the month), if you’re in the Historic District, OR by 12pm the day before the Planning & Zoning Meeting (1st Thursday after Historic District Commission Meeting).
  5. Once your application is approved, those that applied for a Major permit will need to submit a separate application to Cecil County. After approved by the County, please send a copy to Town Hall, and we’ll send you back the Town permit with final approval.

For additional information on permits, please visit our Planning & Zoning Regulations page.

Please direct all questions to Kenneth Hamilton, Code Enforcement Officer, at (410) 287-6173 x6, or via email at

Utility Bills

Utility (water, sewer & bay restoration) bills are sent out quarterly in the beginning of January, April, July, and October.

Current rates are as follows:

  • In-Town Water – $73.05/13,500 gallons (minimum billing), plus $6.25 for each additional 1,000 gallons
  • In-Town Sewer, rate determined by Cecil County – $122.85/9,000 gallons (minimum billing), plus $13.65 for each additional 1,000 gallons
  • Bay Restoration, rate determined by the State of Maryland – Flat rate of $15 per quarter

For additional information, please view our Utility Bills & Rates page.

If you have any questions or concerns about your quarterly utility bill, kindly contact Mary Culver, Assistant Town Administrator, at, or via telephone at (410) 287-6173, extension 4.

Water Emergencies

Contact Robert “Bobby” Straiton, Director of Public Works, at (667) 647-0474, or at (410) 287-6173, ext. 7.

Trash & Recyclables Collection

Trash and recyclables are picked up by the trash/recyclables contractor, Trash Tech, beginning at 6am every Wednesday, so it is best to have your trash bin by the curb the night before. Recycling is not mandatory but highly encouraged. If there is a holiday on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, that Trash Tech recognizes, collection will be on Thursday. Recognized holidays are New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Christmas. Please note trash and recycling are hauled in two separate trucks, so it may be picked up at different times. To ensure effective collection, please utilize the trash and recycle bins provided by Trash Tech. Trash and recycle bins should not weigh more than 50 lbs.

What’s OKAY and NOT OKAY to Recycle? Please review the Cecil County – Single Stream Recycling Guidelines for the full list.

If your recyclables or trash are not collected by 4:00pm on Wednesday, please contact Town Hall no later than 12:00pm on Thursday for recovery on Friday.

Bulk Trash Collection

Bulk Trash is collected by the Town Public Works department as needed. Items can be placed by the curb at any time during the week (no weekend pickups) to be collected.

Limited to one (1) collection per month and no more than four (4) large items per collection. There’s no need to contact Town Hall to schedule a regular pickup, but please let us know if your items are out longer than 48 hours. For a full list of requirements, review our Bulk Trash & Yard Waste Collection page.

  • To schedule a large pickup, contact Town Hall 48 hours in advance. Limited to three (3) truckloads, and $150 per truckload. Payment is due upon scheduling. Please note, this service is not available for evictions; landlords are responsible for taking items to the Cecil County Landfill.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the homeowner to bring construction materials, chemicals and propane tanks to the Cecil County Landfill. The Town is unable to collect these. Cecil County Landfill has Household Hazardous Waste days every year in April and October. For more information, please review their website here.

Yard Waste Collection

Collection occurs on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month by our maintenance staff. If either of those days falls on a holiday, collection will occur on Tuesday. Yard waste should be placed at the curb in bundles, in paper bags, or in a clearly marked container with a lid. Trash bags will not be collected as they are not accepted at the Cecil County Landfill. The weight limit for paper bags and containers is 50lbs. Christmas trees are collected on normal collection days in January; please separate from regular yard waste.

Home Owners Association (HOA)

You should know the specifics about our parks, beaches, restaurants, etc.

The History of Charlestown

For information about the history of Charlestown, please visit our Charlestown History page. Please consider taking a scenic walking tour!


Market Street Cafe
315 Market Street
P.O. Box 347
Charlestown, MD 21914
(410) 287-6374
Call Chip or Bobbi for more information

The Rivershack
(Open Seasonally)
121 Frederick Street
P.O. Box 280
Charlestown, MD 21914
(410) 287-6666

The Wellwood Club
523 Water Street
P.O. Box 280
Charlestown, MD 21914
(410) 287-6666

Charlestown Manor Beach & Campground
(Open Seasonally)
5 Edgewater Avenue,
Charlestown, MD 21914


Charlestown Marina – Located at 4 Water Street. Contact: (410) 287-8125; email
Offers year-round wet and dry storage, 200 slips (115 covered), and 50-ton open end travel lift.

Lee’s Marina – Located at 726 Water Street. Contact: (410) 287-5100; email
Offers seasonal land storage, maintenance and repair services, and 70 slips (58 with electric).

North East River Marina – Located at 724 Water Street. Contact: (410) 287-5298
Offers land storage, 90 slips, and nautical rentals and charters.

More Marina information

Parks & Beaches

Athletic Complex – Located on Frederick Street, this complex contains a ball field, basketball and pickleball/tennis courts, skate park, and walking trail. Parking is available adjacent the skate park.
Directions to Athletic Complex

Avalon Park & Stage – This park is located at the intersection of Water Street and Louisa Lane.  With a newly built stage, this park is available for rental for concerts, weddings and other community events.
Directions to Avalon Park

Charlestown Stone Wharf/Long Point Park – Named for it’s location on the North East River, Long Point Park is next to Stone Wharf at the corner of Water and Conestoga streets. The flag pole located on this site is a reproduction of a ship’s mast, complete with crows nest. Long Point Park is a great place to relax and enjoy a beautiful sunset and is a popular site for weddings.
Fishing is permitted off the town wharf without a fishing license and free of charge. Fishing in any other location requires the purchase of a Maryland State Fishing License.
Directions to Stone Wharf/Long Point Park

Cool Springs at Charlestown Playground – This playground is located in the Cool Springs at Charlestown development at the intersection of Cool Springs Rd and Colorado Ct. It offers slides, monkey bars, a seesaw and plenty of open space for children to play. It also offers a walking trail and a courtesy dog waste station. Dogs are permitted in this park, provided you clean up after them and keep them on a leash.
Directions to Cool Springs at Charlestown Playground

Fairgreen Park Area – This park, located behind Town Hall, is geared towards young children. It offers a large swing set, many slides, monkey bars, and a ship-themed play area. Also offered are picnic tables and a covered gazebo. Please note that dogs are not permitted in this park.
Directions to Fair Green Park

Foot Log Park – located at the corner of Bladen and Conestoga Streets. Cross over the wooden footbridge and enjoy the beach area. Please respect the private property of the residents located on either side of the park.
Directions to Foot Log Park

Sandy Beach – Located at the intersection of Calvert and Conestoga Streets, Sandy Beach is a cozy little spot that offers beautiful hill-like views of the Elk Neck Peninsula and the North East River.
Directions to Sandy Beach

Skate Park – Located at Frederick and North Ogle Streets, the skate park is part of the Athletic Complex and offers a half-pipe, three vertical ramps and several rails. Parking is available adjacent the skate park.
Directions to Athletic Complex

Trinity Woods Playground – Trinity Woods Playground is located on Clemency Drive in the Trinity Woods development. The park is fenced in for children’s safety. Although it offers a courtesy dog waste station, dogs are not permitted inside the fenced area.
Directions to Trinity Woods Playground

Veteran’s Park – Located near the corner of Market and Water Streets, this park has a pavilion and swimming beach that provides for a nice view of the North East River, and a public restroom facility. Dogs are permitted in this park, provided you clean up after them and keep them on a leash.
Directions to Veteran’s Park

Park Rental Locations

Athletic Complex (pricing varies) – This complex contains a ball field, basketball and pickleball/tennis courts, skate park, and walking trail. Parking is available off Frederick Street.
Directions to Athletic Complex

Avalon Park & Stage ($250) – This park is located at the intersection of Water Street and Louisa Lane.  With a newly built stage, this park is available for rental for concerts, weddings and other community events.
Directions to Avalon Park

Charlestown Stone Wharf/Long Point Park ($250) – Named for it’s location on the North East River, Long Point Park is next to Stone Wharf at the corner of Water and Conestoga streets. The flag pole located on this site is a reproduction of a ship’s mast, complete with crows nest. Long Point Park is a great place to relax and enjoy a beautiful sunset and is a popular site for weddings.
Directions to Stone Wharf/Long Point Park

Fairgreen Park Area (pricing varies) – This park, located behind Town Hall, is geared towards young children. It offers a large swing set, many slides, monkey bars, and a ship-themed play area. Also offered are picnic tables and a covered gazebo. Please note that dogs are not permitted in this park.
Directions to Fair Green Park

Veteran’s Park ($50 residents/$100 non-resident) – Located near the corner of Market and Water Streets, this park has a pavilion and swimming beach that provides for a nice view of the North East River, and a public restroom facility. Dogs are permitted in this park, provided you clean up after them and keep them on a leash.
Directions to Veteran’s Park

To submit an event request, complete our Event Form and submit to Town Hall; send any questions to
To obtain insurance for an event, please visit

Public Boat Ramp

The public boat ramp is located at the intersection of Water and Market Streets.

The daily launch fee is $10 and is collected by the honor box system located at the boat ramp, or by using the ParkMobile App (.35 fee charged by the app).

Annual Launch Permits: In-State Boater $25/Out-of-State Boater $75
Annual permits are sold at Town Hall and are valid for the calendar year, ending December 31st, of the year purchased. Proof of valid boat and trailer registration required — an emailed copy is acceptable.

To acquire a permit, complete the Boat Ramp Permit Application and bring to Town Hall with your payment.

** Free public parking of boat trailers is only allowed in Parking Lot B, located on Louisa Ln near Avalon Park — Look for sign to indicate. Trailer parking is not allowed along the street or in Veteran’s Park Lot A.

Town Boat Pier

Located behind our 630 Water Street property.

The Town currently has a waiting list for Town Pier boat slips. If you would like to be added to the wait list, or have any questions, please contact Town Hall at (410) 287-6173 or via email at

You’ll need to know some important contact information, and about Town meetings, officials and administration.

2024-2025 Commissioners

Renee Capano, President
Planning & Zoning Commissioner Liaison
(443) 309-0549

Robert Rinehart, Vice President
Parks & Recreation Commissioner / Maintenance Commissioner

(302) 363-1001

Richard Mahan, Treasurer
Parks & Recreation Commissioner
(323) 578-5050

Jackie Akers
Police Commissioner / Historic District Commissioner Liaison
(443) 248-7411

Thomas Costanzi
Police Commissioner
(410) 937-2561


Town Hall:

  • Mary Culver, Assistant Town Administrator
    Utility Billing, Communications, Park Reservations, Events & Planning
    (410) 287-6173, x4
  • Kathy SanDoe, Town Clerk
    Accounts Payable, Cemetery Sexton, Town Pier, Parking & Boat Ramp Permits
    (410) 287-6173, x3
  • Julie Campagna, Town Accountant
    Accounts Payable/Receivable, Bookkeeping, Taxes
    (410) 287-6173 x5
  • Kenneth Hamilton, Code Enforcement Officer
    Zoning & Building Permits, Zoning & Code Enforcement
    (410) 287-6173 x6

Public Works:

  • Robert “Bobby” Straiton, Director of Public Works
    (410) 287-6173 x7
    (667) 647-0474 (direct)
  • Eric Mocko
  • Craig Alevato

Commissioners Meetings

Town meetings are held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at Town Hall, 241 Market Street, and virtually via Zoom. These meetings are open to the public.

Town Commissioners’ Meetings

Important Contacts

  • Cecil County Animal Control – (410) 441-2040
  • Cecil County Sewer Billing – (410) 996-5390
  • Cecil County Sheriff’s Office – 410-996-5500
  • Charlestown Elementary School – 410-996-6240
  • Charlestown Fire Company – 410-287-6451
  • Charlestown Post Office – 410-287-2560
  • Water/After-Hours Emergencies – (443) 553-2087, Robert “Bobby” Straiton, Maintenance Supervisor

Historic District Commission Meetings

Historic meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at Town Hall, 241 Market Street, and virtually via Zoom. These meetings are open to the public.

Historic District Commission Meetings

Planning & Zoning Commission Meetings

P&Z meetings are held on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday of the month at Town Hall, 241 Market Street, and virtually via Zoom. These meetings are open to the public.

Planning & Zoning Commission Meetings

We need to know a little about you.

Contact Information

If you haven’t already, please complete the Contact Information Form.

If you live in zip code 21914, you will need to obtain a post office box at the Charlestown Post Office, located next to Town Hall at 241 Market Street. There is a $10 deposit required for the post office box keys, but the box is free. Please be sure to notify Town Hall of your P.O. Box number!

The Charlestown Post Office can be contacted at (410) 287-2560 and is open Monday to Friday 1:00-5:00pm and Saturday 8:00am to 12:00pm. The lobby is open from 8:00am to 5:15pm. P.O. Box mail is ready for pick-up by 3:30pm Monday to Friday and by 11:00am Saturday.

E-Mail Distribution List

If you would like to keep up-to-date about Town information, such as meetings, events and general news, click here to subscribe. We strongly encourage you add your email in order to receive all critical updates in a timely manner.

We have email lists for the following:

  • Boating – Town Pier/Boat Ramp
  • Critical Updates
  • Events
  • Green Team
  • Meetings
  • Newsletters – Regular & Quarterly
  • Volunteers
  • Watershed Master Plan


Follow us on Facebook at Town of Charlestown, Maryland – Government to stay Up-to-Date!

Historic Charlestown App

Please download our app, Historic Charlestown, on your Android or iOS device to have important Town news and information on-demand, and receive critical updates as soon as they are available. Make sure push notifications are enabled on your device.




All right, now go enjoy your new home!