Wreaths Across America
St John's United Methodist Church 226 Market St, Charlestown, MD, United StatesLuncheon to follow at the Charlestown Fire Hall, 307 Market St, Charlestown.
Luncheon to follow at the Charlestown Fire Hall, 307 Market St, Charlestown.
We’re eagerly anticipating Santa’s arrival, and he’s looking forward to seeing you, too! Thanks to the Charlestown Fire Company, Santa will be traveling through Town to greet everyone. A map of Santa's route will be available soon.
Yard Waste is collected every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. No need to contact Town Hall.
Bulk trash collection for Historic District, Charlestown Manor and Holloway Beach occurs on the last Wednesday of every month. Contact Town Hall at 410-287-6173, opt 5, to be added to the list.
Contact Town Hall at 410-287-6173, ext 1, to be added to the list.
Contact Town Hall at 410-287-6173, ext 1, to be added to the list.
Residents who currently have an active payment plan established are required to make monthly payments by the 1st of every month, or on the Monday that immediately follows when the 1st falls on a weekend, for as long as their agreement requires.
Held on the first Tuesday of every month.Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/87596635389?pwd=Q3lhQVRrMG9zK3p4VGJucVYvUUZFUT09Meeting ID: 875 9663 5389Passcode: 525575Phone: 301-715-8592, 525575
Yard Waste is collected every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. No need to contact Town Hall. If collection day falls on a Federal Holiday, yard waste will be collected on Tuesday.
Sip hot chocolate and tour the Ice House. You won't want to miss this opportunity to learn about this piece of Charlestown's rich history. Hor d'ouevres provided by the Wellwood Restaurant. Rain date: January 24th
Yard Waste is collected every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. No need to contact Town Hall.
Residents who currently have an active payment plan established are required to make monthly payments by the 1st of every month, or on the Monday that immediately follows when the 1st falls on a weekend, for as long as their agreement requires.
Held on the first Tuesday of every month.Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/87596635389?pwd=Q3lhQVRrMG9zK3p4VGJucVYvUUZFUT09Meeting ID: 875 9663 5389Passcode: 525575Phone: 301-715-8592, 525575
Free event hosted by Colonial Charlestown. No tickets or reservations required. Come anytime between 4-6pm.Sip hot chocolate and tour the Tory House, also known as the 107 House. Hor d'ouevres provided by Market Street Café.Parking lot on Cecil Street.
Yard Waste is collected every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. No need to contact Town Hall. If collection day falls on a Federal Holiday, yard waste will be collected on Tuesday.
A link to join via Zoom will be available closer to this event.
Full details are available on the American Legion's website here: https://www.alpost15.com/ice-splash
Yard Waste is collected every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. No need to contact Town Hall.
Residents who currently have an active payment plan established are required to make monthly payments by the 1st of every month, or on the Monday that immediately follows when the 1st falls on a weekend, for as long as their agreement requires.
Held on the first Tuesday of every month.Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/87596635389?pwd=Q3lhQVRrMG9zK3p4VGJucVYvUUZFUT09Meeting ID: 875 9663 5389Passcode: 525575Phone: 301-715-8592, 525575