Employment Opportunities
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Historic District Commission
Vacancies: One (1)
Term: Three (3) Years
Seeking a candidate that is interested in the history of Charlestown and its Historic Preservation. Duties of this volunteer position include attending monthly meetings to review and approve zoning/building permit requests, sharing the responsibility of revising the Historic District ordinance, and helping to create a Historic Preservation Plan that implements a shared vision for the Historic District.
Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM at Town Hall, 241 Market Street, and via Zoom.
Board of Appeals
Vacancies: One (1)
Term: Three (3) Years
The Town Commissioners may appoint, by a majority vote, candidates who are willing to serve in these capacities.
If you are interested in joining one of the boards, please contact Mary Culver, Assistant Town Administrator at mculver@charlestownmd.org.