Employment & Volunteer Opportunities - Charlestown Maryland

Employment Opportunities


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Volunteer Opportunities

Historic District Commission

Vacancies: One (1)

Term: Three (3) Years

Seeking a candidate that is interested in the history of Charlestown and its Historic Preservation. Duties of this volunteer position include attending monthly meetings to review and approve zoning/building permit requests, sharing the responsibility of revising the Historic District ordinance, and helping to create a Historic Preservation Plan that implements a shared vision for the Historic District.

Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM at Town Hall, 241 Market Street, and via Zoom.

Board of Appeals

Vacancies: One (1)

Term: Three (3) Years

Seeking a candidate that is interested in the Town’s zoning ordinance and willing to share the responsibility of hearing and deciding all administrative appeals, variances, and special exceptions, as provided for in the ordinance.
Meetings are held as needed.

The Town Commissioners may appoint, by a majority vote, candidates who are willing to serve in these capacities.

If you are interested in joining one of the boards, please contact Mary Culver, Assistant Town Administrator at mculver@charlestownmd.org.