Employment & Volunteer Opportunities - Charlestown Maryland

Employment Opportunities


Circuit Rider Town Manager

Open 11/25/2024, Closes 12/18/2024 at 5pm

The Cecil County towns of Perryville, Port Deposit, and Rising Sun seek 10 hours each of part-time assistance in grant research, application, and management; review and revision of municipal codes, plans, and procedures; and/or code compliance casework. Contractor expected on-site at least one-day per week with each town. One (30-hour) or two hires (10 and 20 hours) anticipated.
Familiarity with town and county government preferred as training is largely on-the-job and self-initiated. Future work may involve North East and Charlestown as the five towns explore shared project opportunities. The FY25 hourly rate is $37. Contractor reports hours and tasks by town bi-weekly and is responsible for compliance with applicable state and Federal income tax reporting and withholding. Contracts are annual and continued employment is subject to grant renewal and satisfactory performance.

Candidates need to self-organize and manage multiple projects and deadlines; work with maps, codes, and plans; have flexible days and hours; track tasks, hours, and budgets; and work from home, municipal offices, and in the field. The towns provide laptops, office space, and e-mail accounts. Candidates should be competent with Office365 programs (Word, Outlook, etc); laptop and desktop networked computers; virtual meetings (Zoom, Teams); interactive websites; and provide a reliable cellphone.

Please send your resume for consideration to Bryan Lightner, Town Administrator at blightner@charlestownmd.org no later than December 18, 2024 at 5 p.m.

We are an equal opportunity employer.

Volunteer Opportunities

Historic District Commission

Vacancies: One (1)

Term: Three (3) Years

Seeking a candidate that is interested in the history of Charlestown and its Historic Preservation. Duties of this volunteer position include attending monthly meetings to review and approve zoning/building permit requests, sharing the responsibility of revising the Historic District ordinance, and helping to create a Historic Preservation Plan that implements a shared vision for the Historic District.

Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM at Town Hall, 241 Market Street, and via Zoom.


Planning & Zoning Commission

Vacancies: Two (2)

Term: Five (5) Years

Seeking candidates who are interested in the Town’s zoning ordinance and are eager to assist in revising it, updating the official zoning map, and enhancing the Comprehensive Plan. This is an opportunity to contribute to a collective vision for the Town’s future.

Meetings are held on the 1st Thursday after the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM at Town Hall, 241 Market Street, and via Zoom.

Board of Supervisors of Elections

Vacancies: Two (2)

Term: Two (2) Years

Seeking candidates that are interested in the Town Commissioner Election process, willing to help administer the rules related to the registration of voters and the conduct of the elections. This position includes a pay of $150 for Election Day.

Town Election Day is on the 1st Tuesday in March annually.

The Town Commissioners may appoint, by a majority vote, candidates who are willing to serve in these capacities.

If you are interested in joining one of the boards, please contact Bryan Lightner, Town Administrator at blightner@charlestownmd.org, or at 410-287-6173, ext. 2.