2025 Municipal Election - Charlestown Maryland

2025 Municipal Election

December 10th, 2024

Two (2) Commissioner Seats are up for Election

The Charlestown Board of Supervisors of Elections will hold the 2025 Municipal Election on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 from 7:00AM to 7:00PM at the Town Hall Building, 241 Market Street, Charlestown.

  • Eligibility to Vote: In order to be eligible to vote, you must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and be a town resident for one (1) month prior to the election.
  • Absentee Ballot Request: To request an absentee ballot, please contact Town Hall by Friday, February 14, 2025 at 4:00pm.
  • 2025 Candidates: Information about candidates will be posted to our website once available. If you are considering candidacy, there are a few things you need to know:
    • Qualifications: You must be a resident of Charlestown for at least one (1) year, be at least twenty-one (21) years of age, and be qualified to vote.
    • How to Apply: There are no write-ins on the ballot, so all candidates for Commissioner must apply. If interested, please submit an application, which can be found by clicking here or at Town Hall, along with a recent photo and a short biography on your background and pertinent experience related to the Commissioner position. Short video biographies are also welcome. The deadline to apply is Friday, January 31, 2025 at 4:00pm.
    • What to Expect: Commissioners attend two (2) meetings per month to discuss policy, ordinances, expenditures, and civic progress. They also attend Town and County events. Please ask yourself the following:
      1. Why do I want to be a Commissioner?
      2. Can I be an effective team member?
      3. Am I able to focus on the future and the common good?
      4. Can I help create a civic culture of mutual respect?
  • Candidates’ Forum: The Candidates’ Forum has been scheduled for Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 6:00pm. It will be held at the Charlestown Fire Hall, 307 Market Street, and via Zoom. We strongly encourage residents to attend, as it is an opportunity to meet and get to know the candidates. If you are unable to attend, or would like to submit questions for the candidates anonymously, please click here. The Zoom video will be posted to our website the next day for later viewing.
  • Election Results: After polls close at 7:00pm, you will have the opportunity to watch the ballot count live via Zoom. Results will be posted to our website, Facebook page, Historic Charlestown app, and sent via email after they are finalized.